Wednesday, March 21, 2012

psalm 116.

I want to share with y'all something I wrote in my journal the other night. I'm usually not very good with words and my mind is always going a million miles a minute, so it always helps me to write out my emotions and cries to the Lord. 

I could only explain this season of my life as this: excitement. Your love for me is being revealed to me in so many ways-the laughter of my little siblings, Randle's constant support and encouragement, the inspiring lives of the people invested in ministry around me, Your provision for my Clear support, the miracles and transformations you are making in my heart and in the lives of those around me, the all-around joyfulness of having such an intimate, face-to-face relationship with You. In life, it's so easy for me to get wrapped up in the mundane. It's easy for me to sometimes get discouraged by routine or stagnation. but I'm finding so much joy in who You are lately. Yes, things get hard and painful sometimes. Yes, I still have to maintain routine and deal with disappointment. But You have created me for something amazing. My life has a purpose--completely defined by what I allow You to do in my life and how I bring myself to be used and moved by You. You delight in my successes. You long for my heart and you are jealous for me--You desire for me to find my rest and my sanity completely in You. You love me with a love that is so deep and so powerful--a love that has allowed me to walk in freedom and joy and an eternity of perfection in a daughter of the light, a daughter of the God of salvation and of all that is, was, and is yet to come. Why don't I just stop and embrace that? I want to be brought to my knees in adoration of you. Your love and Your mercies will never be taken from me. I'll never be beyond the grasp of Your hand. nothing I do will take Your love from me. That kind of grace is unfathomable to me. Father, thank You for being unfathomable.

Let me be open and ready for Your whisper. Allow me to see Your miracles and evidences of love in the everyday workings of life. Give me Kingdom eyes, Abba Father. You are so good. You are so constant. you are so beautiful. 

Thank You for allowing me to walk before you--in the land of the living. (Psalm 116:8-9)

Here are some pictures from Staff Retreat!
Learning the staff dance....Hannah and Grisel are more gracefully talented that I am, I'm afraid..
BLUE TEAM at Intensity 2012...the incredibly freezing and muddy staff game. We were supposed to get half of our team across an extremely cold and rather deep lake...I lucked out. Being short and little rocks.
Some may say we're crazy. It was cold and rainy and smelly. But we just call ourselves Clear staffers :]
Just a few of my incredible Clear sisters!

Clear Camps - Intensity 2012 from Justin Posey on Vimeo.

...and then there's Randle. Just a little video about Intensity. Props to Justin Posey for the killer video making!

Love you all so so so much.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

my guards. my brothers & sisters.

It was one of those weekends that mere words could never explain. Clear Staff Retreat 2012. 70 young adults were bonded together as a family in a way that could only be crafted by a wonderful, beautiful, and powerful God. 

We showed up on Friday, ready to wrap friends we hadn't seen in months into our arms; expectant of the sweet presence of the Spirit of the Living God. There were lots of squeals, hugs (because we are literally ALL huggers...handshakes just don't suffice), kisses, running into each others arms, and just plain joy. The room was completely flooded with love from the very start. 

Incredible time of worship. Random games that don't make sense. More junk food than we knew what to do with. LOTS of rain. Impromptu gatherings around the piano in the middle of group sessions, crying out to our Father. INTENSITY 2012. Covering each other in prayer and embraces. Worshipful (though sometimes uncoordinated in my case) staff dances. Moments of complete solitude before the Father. Forming a family that will never be shaken nor torn apart. My Clear family means the world to me. I am so blessed to have such loving, encouraging, inspiring, and uplifting lifelong brothers and sisters. Those three days were the most Spirit-led experiences of my entire life. I only wish I could explain them better.  But the fact that I am at a loss for words only amplifies the incredible-ness of the weekend. I don't think "incredible-ness" is a word....oh well. :)

I will be traveling on Chelsea's team this summer. For those of you who have no idea what that means, Chelsea is one of the directors of Clear, as well as a dear friend and mentor of mine. I am going to be a bible study leader for VBSes, preteen camps, and youth I will basically be teaching children and students anywhere from ages 5-18. My team will be the yellow team. So if anyone has anything yellow I can use to wear or for decorating the bible study rooms I will have throughout the summer, give me a holler! I couldn't be more excited for what the Lord has in store. We were given a sneak peek of how He is going to move, and let me tell's astounding. I can only imagine the greatness that will be done is His name. 

Pray for the lives that will be reached this summer. Pray that our hearts will be prepared for the months that lie ahead, and for strength to rely on our Savior alone...because I just know that the enemy is getting afraid of the radical things that will happen. He is here, and He is reigning victorious. :)

I may be weak, but Your Spirit is strong in me. My flesh may fail, but my God you never will. 

In His Love, 