Wednesday, March 21, 2012

psalm 116.

I want to share with y'all something I wrote in my journal the other night. I'm usually not very good with words and my mind is always going a million miles a minute, so it always helps me to write out my emotions and cries to the Lord. 

I could only explain this season of my life as this: excitement. Your love for me is being revealed to me in so many ways-the laughter of my little siblings, Randle's constant support and encouragement, the inspiring lives of the people invested in ministry around me, Your provision for my Clear support, the miracles and transformations you are making in my heart and in the lives of those around me, the all-around joyfulness of having such an intimate, face-to-face relationship with You. In life, it's so easy for me to get wrapped up in the mundane. It's easy for me to sometimes get discouraged by routine or stagnation. but I'm finding so much joy in who You are lately. Yes, things get hard and painful sometimes. Yes, I still have to maintain routine and deal with disappointment. But You have created me for something amazing. My life has a purpose--completely defined by what I allow You to do in my life and how I bring myself to be used and moved by You. You delight in my successes. You long for my heart and you are jealous for me--You desire for me to find my rest and my sanity completely in You. You love me with a love that is so deep and so powerful--a love that has allowed me to walk in freedom and joy and an eternity of perfection in a daughter of the light, a daughter of the God of salvation and of all that is, was, and is yet to come. Why don't I just stop and embrace that? I want to be brought to my knees in adoration of you. Your love and Your mercies will never be taken from me. I'll never be beyond the grasp of Your hand. nothing I do will take Your love from me. That kind of grace is unfathomable to me. Father, thank You for being unfathomable.

Let me be open and ready for Your whisper. Allow me to see Your miracles and evidences of love in the everyday workings of life. Give me Kingdom eyes, Abba Father. You are so good. You are so constant. you are so beautiful. 

Thank You for allowing me to walk before you--in the land of the living. (Psalm 116:8-9)

Here are some pictures from Staff Retreat!
Learning the staff dance....Hannah and Grisel are more gracefully talented that I am, I'm afraid..
BLUE TEAM at Intensity 2012...the incredibly freezing and muddy staff game. We were supposed to get half of our team across an extremely cold and rather deep lake...I lucked out. Being short and little rocks.
Some may say we're crazy. It was cold and rainy and smelly. But we just call ourselves Clear staffers :]
Just a few of my incredible Clear sisters!

Clear Camps - Intensity 2012 from Justin Posey on Vimeo.

...and then there's Randle. Just a little video about Intensity. Props to Justin Posey for the killer video making!

Love you all so so so much.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

my guards. my brothers & sisters.

It was one of those weekends that mere words could never explain. Clear Staff Retreat 2012. 70 young adults were bonded together as a family in a way that could only be crafted by a wonderful, beautiful, and powerful God. 

We showed up on Friday, ready to wrap friends we hadn't seen in months into our arms; expectant of the sweet presence of the Spirit of the Living God. There were lots of squeals, hugs (because we are literally ALL huggers...handshakes just don't suffice), kisses, running into each others arms, and just plain joy. The room was completely flooded with love from the very start. 

Incredible time of worship. Random games that don't make sense. More junk food than we knew what to do with. LOTS of rain. Impromptu gatherings around the piano in the middle of group sessions, crying out to our Father. INTENSITY 2012. Covering each other in prayer and embraces. Worshipful (though sometimes uncoordinated in my case) staff dances. Moments of complete solitude before the Father. Forming a family that will never be shaken nor torn apart. My Clear family means the world to me. I am so blessed to have such loving, encouraging, inspiring, and uplifting lifelong brothers and sisters. Those three days were the most Spirit-led experiences of my entire life. I only wish I could explain them better.  But the fact that I am at a loss for words only amplifies the incredible-ness of the weekend. I don't think "incredible-ness" is a word....oh well. :)

I will be traveling on Chelsea's team this summer. For those of you who have no idea what that means, Chelsea is one of the directors of Clear, as well as a dear friend and mentor of mine. I am going to be a bible study leader for VBSes, preteen camps, and youth I will basically be teaching children and students anywhere from ages 5-18. My team will be the yellow team. So if anyone has anything yellow I can use to wear or for decorating the bible study rooms I will have throughout the summer, give me a holler! I couldn't be more excited for what the Lord has in store. We were given a sneak peek of how He is going to move, and let me tell's astounding. I can only imagine the greatness that will be done is His name. 

Pray for the lives that will be reached this summer. Pray that our hearts will be prepared for the months that lie ahead, and for strength to rely on our Savior alone...because I just know that the enemy is getting afraid of the radical things that will happen. He is here, and He is reigning victorious. :)

I may be weak, but Your Spirit is strong in me. My flesh may fail, but my God you never will. 

In His Love, 

Sunday, February 26, 2012


I'm terrible about blog updating. There, I said it. But I've decided to get better about it. Call it a New Year's Resolution in late February, if you will.

The days that pass as I get closer and closer to the incredible summer my Father has laid out for me have been a frenzy of papers, praise band practices, calculus and physics homework, student council meetings, babysitting, committee meetings, cramming for tests, writing thank-you letters, visiting colleges, prom planning, and all the other insanity that comes with what some may call being an overly-involved teenager. Sometimes I don't know how I manage it all, but then I am quickly reminded of my Savior friend who is there to restore me and instill me with unshakable joy and confidence in His truth and promises.

Since my last post, life has been seemingly passing me by in a whirlwind of new adventures, experiences, obstacles, and changes. I will always stand amazed at how God is the ONLY part of my life that stays the same. Coming from someone who isn't a big fan of change, I will always find my sanity in his consistency.

Now enough with the deep stuff. I am now the official owner of my own Canon EOS Rebel T3!!!! Just the mere thought makes me want to bust out in some kind of uncoordinated dance moves. I've been enthralled with the idea of photography for years now, and thanks to some encouragement from that incredible boy I am somehow blessed enough to call a boyfriend, I have decided to pursue photography further. Forget that doubting myself stuff. I'm stoked. Even if I end up failing with flying colors at this, I'd rather stink at doing something that makes me come alive rather than being awesome at something I really actually hate. So bear with me folks--this blog will probably from now on also consist of the documenting of my failures and hopefully-one-day successes of being a photographer. On that note: anybody want to let me take pictures of them? :)

Thanks to the Lord's miraculous provision, I have about $700 dollars in support raised for Clear this summer. It's a little less than half, and I have about two more months left of fundraising. Considering I started raising money about three weeks ago, I am shocked at how much my Father has provided for me through my incredible earthly family and faith family at First Baptist Biloxi. I love all of you so much and I wish that mere words could express how thankful I am for your investment in my life and journey as a disciple of Jesus Christ. Please pray for the staffers as we prepare for our staff retreat that will be here before we know it!(eleven more days...but who's counting?)

Finally reading Kisses From Katie...I am so excited! Everybody click on the "Amazima Ministries" logo on the right side of my blog if you want your world to be rocked by the story of this beautifully devoted sister in Christ. Katie, you and your daughters are forever in my thoughts and prayers.

In His Love,

Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Journey Begins :]

"I mean honestly God," I thought to myself in my fourth period AP Psychology class, "how do you expect me to pay attention when the most exciting news might be waiting in the mail for me at home?" To say that I couldn't wait is quite the understatement. On Thursday, February 2nd, I was given the most incredible opportunity of my life. About four months previously, I applied for a staff position at Clear Ministries, an organization invested in the world through character development, inspiring individuals to fulfull their life's purpose, and introducing opportunities for personal and occupational growth. Not only do they bring camp to kids, but they bring life to people. I will serve on one of three teams doing either camp ministry or doing VBS and mission work. I will find out which team I will be serving on at our staff retreat in March.

My first experience with Clear Camps was three years ago as a camper. Our junior high ministry went to Tall Timbers in Pineville, Louisiana having no idea what to expect. We had never even heard about this camp before. When we showed up, we automatically fell in love. The atmosphere was so incredibly fun and Spirit-filled. The staffers were actually interested in connecting with us personally--something you usually don't experience with the bigger-scale and less intimate camps we'd been to before. My sisters and I especially loved  it there, and the staffers especially. For some reason they really reached out to us. My group leader's name was Chelsea, and I'll never forget one night we were standing around talking, and she said, "You should totally apply for Clear staff one day." Ever since that night, I couldn't get this ministry out of my head.

My adventure with Clear will begin on June 4th, and ends July 27th. So basically my entire summer will be spent hanging out with kids and youth, waking up early, bringing the truth of God's Word and promises, taking part in amazing worship, playing fun and silly games, connecting people to a life in Christ, building friendships and a family that will last a lifetime, acting a fool and serving my Father......could I be any more blessed??

Please be in prayer for me as I prepare for this new season the Lord has created just for me, as well as the other amazing staffers! Until my journey begins, I will be gratefully accepting donations to meet my support goal of $1,500 required to travel with Clear, as well as the additional personal fund I will need while on the mission field. The money I give will go towards transportation, equipment, things like that. Most importantly, we staffers raise our own support so that campers can go to camp for about half the price of most camps in the country. So I am more than happy and willing to do my part and contribute to this team I am so overjoyed to be a part of.

Many of you will get letters in the mail asking for support and sharing how you can be in prayer for me. For those of you who got your letters already and came here for more information, I hope this post helped! If not, feel free to email me at, leave me a comment, call/text me, or write me back! I can't wait to hear from y'all!

In His Love,

"And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, "Abba! Father!" So you are no longer a slave, but a son, and if a son, then an heir to the Kingdom of Heaven through God" -Galatians 4:6-7 

(P.S. check out the icons to the right!! Click on them to visit the websites of some incredible ministries I am dedicated in prayer for! Join me in lifting them up to our Father!)

Saturday, January 21, 2012

the beauty of waiting.

       Lately, I've felt like all I've been doing is waiting. The Lord has been setting up opportunities and putting things on my heart every time I turn around in these last few weeks-maybe even months. And while I am so excited to see how it all will play out, it's also pretty unnerving. 

       I'm at a point in my walk with God where I feel restless. I want to go. I want to do. I am beyond blessed to have friends who radically love the Lord and have given their lives up to proclaiming His love to the nations. Whether they are going through seminary, serving on or running summer camp staffs, in India working with the women in the sex trafficking industry, giving up their comfortable lives to start churches all over the world, starting local and foreign ministries..they all have inspired me so much.

       Being only a junior in high school, feeling this restlessness can be very confusing. It's not like I can jump on a plane right now and move somewhere to be a missionary. I have school. I have no money. I have responsibilities here. Granted, I love my life and I love what God is doing in me and in the lives of those around me. But wanting to do something else, somewhere else all the time is dangerous. If I'm always in a state of yearning for something else, no matter how "good" or "ministry-oriented" it may be, I will begin to stop living in the present. I won't take advantage of who God has put in my life right now, in THIS moment. 

       Which brings on a whole new thought the Lord has made quite clear to me: Maybe God isn't putting me in a season of waiting, but of preparation. Guiding, loving, protecting, and humbling me for whatever life of ministry He has called me for. Now, I see clearly. I feel His presence in my every endeavor and in my every moment. Ever since my Father has made this new truth so real to me, I'm starting to see how many opportunities I've already been given in a radically different way; opportunities I was taking for granted. He has blessed me in the acts of ministry in so many ways...I just have been too blinded by comparing myself to others to take what He's given me and do something amazing with it. Currently, that is going to be my prayer. To take advantage of the beautiful and exciting life I've been given RIGHT NOW. 

"Don't ask yourself just what the world needs; ask yourselves what makes you come alive and then go and do it with passion & purpose. Because what the world really needs....people that have come alive."
In His Love,

Friday, January 6, 2012

Hey There 2012!

Wow. It's been forever. There's nothing that gets me more nostalgic than looking back on former entries, whether it's in my journal, on Tumblr, or even the three posts I've managed to create on this blog. I love how God works. I'm the kind of person who is always looking ahead. Future goals, plans, trips, even conversations...I usually have them all planned out in my head. Wanna know my favorite thing about my silly little habit? Getting to look back a half a year down the road and see what the Lord did with it. Some of "my" plans have succeeded, while others....not so much. Isn't He awesome in the way that He takes my selfish plans and turns them into something beautiful, for His renown? It completely rocks my world. He's so cool.

I'm going to try to blog more. I have no idea who reads this, or if anyone does for that matter. But I don't care. I'm just excited to tell the wonderful tales of how God uses a teenager to do the works to further His Kingdom.

Those who know me know my almost unhealthy love for Kari Jobe. Not only does the girl have major pipes, but she has such a breathtaking spirit. The way she loves the Lord is enough to bring me to my knees, just hearing her talk about God. Hopefully I can post some videos on here, because I would love for every person who reads this entry to watch these videos. You don't have to be a worship leader or church leader to apply these words of truth to your life.

Some things she said that I haven't been able to forget:
When is the Lord setting me up to win?
What moments have I felt myself falling in love with God?
It is dangerous when I allow myself to forget those memories.
I need to sit down in my heart again.
I want to be a John 10:27 girl..knowing my Fathers voice; only His. and chasing after it with all I am.
Comparison is the #1 thing that will keep me from doing what God wants me to do.
When I'm leading worship, I need to be asking God, "What do they need to say to you tonight?" instead of selfishly wanting my moment of worship.

God is moving. Are we ready to obey? Are we ready to leave everything behind and chase after His voice, and not the voice of the other?

In His Love, Wesleigh.